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2612 votes 4.1/5

Happy Wheels


Happy Wheels is one of the most fun and popular games for years. The bloody horror game sometimes frightens many people. Choose your track and do it your way.

Game Features

  • There are around 60 challenging and unique stages.
  • Other hazardous barriers include spikes, mines, wrecking balls, harpoons, and other deadly obstacles.

Tips and Tricks

  • You can pause, resume, or restart the game from the game screen.
  • You can change your character in-game.
  • You can choose to watch or save your replay.


  • Left and right arrow keys - Lean left and right
  • Up and down arrow keys - Accelerate/decelerate
  • Z - Eject
  • C - Control camera
  • Space / Shift / Ctrl - Special abilities (vary by character)